14 scenes:

Chasing Shadows

On discover:

You think you just saw something move out of the corner of your eye. Just a trick of the light, you reassure yourself, but your already weakened vigor drops even lower at the thought of what could be lurking out there. ( vigor -2 )

On return:

The fear of the unknown gnaws at you as you inch forward. ( vigor -4 , courage -2 )

Delicate Rabbit

On discover:

A delicate rabbit softly leaps around the next thicket, its big doe eyes gazing warily at you. It gives a calming, watchful presence. ( courage +2 )

On return:

The rabbit is still here, reminding you to tread carefully in this unknown and vast land. ( vigor +2 )

Tranquil Stream

On discover:

The afternoon sun barely cuts through the dense treetops, casting a dim light as you stumble upon this captivating scene. A calm babbling stream winds its way through a narrow gully, rock walls bordering it on either side. You sit down to wipe your brow and rest, the sound of the water aiding you in focusing your weary mind on the task at hand. ( vigor +2 )

On return:

The stream still calms you on your return, offering the same sense of renewal as before. Resting your weary form and washing your face you are ready to take on the world. ( vigor +4 )

Thick mist

On discover:

A thick mist envelopes you, making it impossible to see anything beyond a few feet. You can barely hear sounds drifting from beyond the veil to remind you of the countless mysteries that could be lurking out there. ( courage -2 )

On return:

The mist continues to swirl around you, obscuring any sense of direction. It's a disorienting presence that forces you to stay alert and cautious. ( courage -2 )

Eerie Silence

On discover:

You find yourself surrounded by an eerie silence in the dense forest. A mist hangs over the gnarled roots of forgotten trees and ominous whispering wafts in the air. You seem to have stirred up something unnatural and otherworldly that makes your skin crawl. ( courage -2 )

On return:

The eerie silence continues to unnerve and unsettle you, the shiver down your spine growing ever stronger. You can feel yourself losing your will to continue as whispers float through the air. ( courage -2 )

Mysterious Shimmer

On discover:

You enter a small clearing fringed with towering trees and scraggly brush, the late afternoon sun slipping through the canopy overhead. A soft, shimmering light glows from the center, revealing a strangely alluring stone. Its effect is both powerful and mysterious. ( vigor +2 , courage +1 )

On return:

You approach with caution, the stone's shimmer having grown brighter since your last visit. It hypnotizes you with its ethereal charm, drawing you back in enthralled. ( vigor +1 , courage +2 )

Glowing Mushrooms

On discover:

A faint, otherworldly glow emanates from the forest floor ahead. You draw nearer and see it's coming from a circle of giant mushrooms, gently pulsing in the dark. You're mystified and overcome by curiosity. ( vigor +2 )

On return:

The glowing mushrooms still glow as vibrant as before, but something in your intuition is telling you to proceed with caution. ( vigor +1 )

Mysterious Meandering Mist

On discover:

You are strolling through the woods when you notice the gentlest of mists wafting along the ground. It is quickly transforming the surrounding scenery into a ghostly half-light. ( vigor -2 )

On return:

A dazzling azure light filters through the mist as you tiptoe back to the presence of the mysterious wonder from before. ( courage +2 , vigor -2 )

Glowing Forest

On discover:

As the night unfolds, a subtle green luminescence emanates from the trees in this enchanted forest and soothes your weary soul. You are not yet sure if this is the right path, but you are renewed with a newfound courage. ( courage +3 , vigor +3 )

On return:

The mystical glow of the night sky returns to guide you as you cautiously make your way through the darkness of the forest. You catch a glimpse of a soft blue light flickering amidst the foliage. ( courage +4 , vigor +1 )

Lost Healer

On discover:

You stumble upon a cloaked figure, waiting silently in the folds of the underbrush. An infinite calm radiates from them, as they silently observe the unfamiliar surroundings. You greet them, desperate for aid, and they smile in return, enigmatic and regenerative. ( vigor +2 , courage +1 )

On return:

The light of day breaks, shining anew upon your shoulders. A healer guides you with comforting pats, gently urging you to keep your pace steady in the uncharted wild. ( vigor +4 , courage +2 )

A Solitary Cabin

On discover:

You stumble upon a small, dilapidated cabin at the edge of the clearing. The roof is leaking and the wood is aged, but the door is open and inviting. Something about this place makes you feel that safety lies within, away from more pressing dangers lurking nearby. ( courage +3 , vigor +3 )

On return:

As you approach the cabin once more, the comfort and sense of home persists. ( courage +5 , vigor +5 )

Rain-Slicked River

On discover:

A low rumble increases the way that you felt before. As you go closer to the river you notice that it's not calm, but fast-moving and rumbling dangerously. This sight takes your breath away and you feel yourself slipping deeper into a strange exhaustion. ( vigor -2 )

On return:

Fear and exhaustion encompass you continuing to slip as you go near the river which is bigger and scarier however you manage to continue onwards ( vigor -4 , courage -2 )

Ancient Ruins

On discover:

You stumble upon a hidden path leading to ruins of ancient stonework. An eerie silence hangs around the surroundings and a gloom fills the air, chilling your senses. ( vigor -2 )

On return:

The ruins have not lost their mysterious allure, you feel its presence calling to you from within, reminding you of your anxiousness. ( vigor -1 )

The Whispering Willow

On discover:

You marvel at the ancient wonder of a mammoth willow tree, its branches flowing gently in the light breeze. No sooner are you captivated by its beauty, that a series of whispered calls erupt from nowhere. ( vigor -1 )

On return:

The tree, towering with a mysterious aura, persists in its enchantment. The White Marble Well springs to life in your consciousness. ( courage +1 )